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[4] FARIA J (2020) Conectividade marinha em crustáceos: Implicações para a sua conservação. In Rodrigues A, LM Gomes (eds) UAciência - Ciências Naturais e do Ambiente 2012-2019: 221, Nova Gráfica, Ponta Delgada, ISBN: 978-989-8870-29-2.

[3] Martins G, FARIA (2020) Lapas: pequenas "ilhas" de diversidade. In Rodrigues A, Gomes LM (eds) UAciência - Ciências Naturais e do Ambiente 2012-2019: 261, Nova Gráfica, Ponta Delgada, ISBN: 978-989-8870-29-2.

[2] Cacabelos E, FARIA, A Prestes, AI Neto (2020) Impacte para o ecossistema e benefícios socioeconómicos da alga exótica Asparagopsis armata nos Açores. In Rodrigues A, Gomes LM (eds) UAciência - Ciências Naturais e do Ambiente 2012-2019: 127, Nova Gráfica, Ponta Delgada, ISBN: 978-989-8870-29-2.

[1] Hawkins SJ et al. (2019) The intertidal zone of the Northeast Atlantic Region: patterns and processes. In Hawkins SJ, K Bohn, LB Firth, GA Williams (eds) Interactions in the Marine Benthos Global Patterns and Processes, Cambridge University Press.


[22] Bernal A, S Chebaane, J Sempere-Valverde, J FARIA, P Ramalhosa, M Kaufmann, M Florido, A Albert-Fonseca, J Canning-Clode, I Gestoso, E Cacabelos. Accepted. A worrying arrival: The first record of Rugulopteryx okamurae in Madeira Island and its invasive risk. Bioinvasions Records.

[21] FARIA J, A Prestes, I Moreu, E Cacabelos, GM Martins. 2022. Dramatic changes in the structure of shallow-water marine benthic communities following the invasion by Rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta) in Azores (NE Atlantic) . Marine Pollution Bulletin 175: 113358.

[20] FARIA J, A Prestes, I Moreu, GM Martins, AI Neto, E Cacabelos. 2022. Arrival and proliferation of the invasive seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae in NE Atlantic islands. Botanica Marina 65(1): 45-50.

[19] Martins GM, A Prestes, J FARIA, AI Neto. 2021. Predicting the ecological impact of a recent range expansion in the structure of intertidal biofilms. Marine Environmental Research, 169: 105332.

[18] Cacabelos  E, GM Martins J FARIA, A Prestes, T Costa, I Moreu, AI Neto. 2020. Limited effects of marine protected areas on the distribution of invasive species, despite positive effects on diversity in shallow-water marine communities. Biological Invasions 22: 1169-1179.

[17] Kellaris A, A Gil, J FARIA, R Amaral, I Moreu-Badia, AI Neto, C Yesson. 2019. Using low-cost drones to monitor heterogeneous submerged seaweed habitats: a casa study in the Azores. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29: 1909-1922.

[16] Martins GM, C Harley, J FARIA, M Vale, SJ Hawkins, AI Neto, F Arenas. 2019. Direct and indirect effects of climate change squeeze the local distribution of a habitat-forming seaweed. Marine Biology Progress Series 626: 43-52.

[15] Martins GM, E Cacabelos, J FARIA, N Álvaro, ACL Prestes, AI Neto. 2019. Patterns of distribution of the invasive alga Asparagopsis armata Harvey: a multi-scaled approach. Aquatic Invasions 14 (4): 582-593.

[14] Cacabelos E, J FARIA, GM Martins, C Mir, MI Parente, D Gabriel, R Sánchez, M Altamirano, AC Costa, WF Prud'homme van Reine, AI Neto. 2019. First record of Caulerpa prolifera in the Azores (NE Atlantic). Botanica Marina 62(2): 155-160.

[13] FARIA J, Pita A, GM Martins, PA Ribeiro, SJ Hawkins, P Presa, AI Neto. 2018. Inbreeding in the exploited limpet Patella aspera across the Macaronesia archipelagos (NE Atlantic): Implications for conservation. Fisheries Research 198: 180-188.

[12] FARIA J, GM Martins, Pita A, PA Ribeiro, SJ Hawkins, P Presa, AI Neto. 2017. Disentangling the genetic and morphological structure of Patella candei complex in Macaronesia (NE Atlantic). Ecology and Evolution 7(16): 6125–6140.

[11] FARIA J, A Pita, M Rivas, GM Martins, SJ Hawkins, P Ribeiro, AI Neto, P Presa. 2016. A multiplex microsatellite tool for conservation genetics of the endemic limpet Patella candei in the Macaronesian archipelagos. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26: 775-781.

[10] Froufe E, V Prié, J FARIA, M Ghamizi, DV Gonçalves, ME Gurlek, I Karaouzas, U Kebapçi, H Sereflisan, C Sobral, R Sousa, A Teixeira, S Varandas, S Zogaris, M Lopes-Lima. 2016. Phylogeny, phylogeography, and evolution in the Mediterranean region: news from a freshwater mussel (Potomida, Unionida). 

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 100: 322-332.

[9] Hawkins SJ, K Bohn, DW Sims, P Ribeiro, J FARIA, P Presa, A Pita, GM Martins, AI Neto, MT Burrows, MJ Genner. 2016. Fisheries stocks from an ecological perspective: Disentangling ecological connectivity from genetic interchange.

Fisheries Research 179: 333-341.

[8] FARIA J, M Rivas, GM Martins, SJ Hawkins, P Ribeiro, A Pita, AI Neto, P Presa. 2015. A new multiplexed microsatellite tool for metapopulation studies in the overexploited endemic limpet Patella aspera (Röding, 1798). Animal Genetics 46(1): 96-97.

[7] Martins GM, J FARIA, M Furtado, AI Neto. 2014. Shells of Patella aspera as 'islands' for epibionts. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 94(5): 1027-1032.

[6] FARIA J, M Pérez-Losada, P Cabezas, P Alexandrino, E Froufe. 2014. Multiplexing of novel microsatellite loci for the vulnerable slipper lobster Scyllarus arctus (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology321(2): 119-123.

[5]* FARIA J, P Ribeiro, SJ Hawkins, AI Neto. 2013. Conectividade em populações de lapas nas ilhas da Macaronésia (Atlântico-NE): uma abordagem multidisciplinar. Livro de atas “Ciência nos Açores – que futuro?”. Governo dos Açores. FRC. Ponta Delgada: pp175-180.

[4] Martins GM, J FARIA, M Rubal, AI Neto. 2013. Linkages between rocky reefs and soft-bottom habitats: effects of predation and granulometry on sandy macrofaunal assemblages. Journal of Sea Research 81: 1-9.

[3] FARIA J, E Froufe, F Tuya, P Alexandrino, M Pérez-Losada. 2013. Panmixia in the endangered slipper lobster Scyllarides latus from the Northeastern Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. Journal of Crustacean Biology 33(4): 557-566.

[2] Frade P, C Reyes-Nivia, J FARIA, J Kandorp, P Luttikhuizen, RPM Bak. 2010. Semi-permeable species boundaries in the coral genus Madracis: Introgression in a brooding coral system. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 1072-1090.

[1] Frade P, N Englebert, J FARIA, PM Visser, RPM Bak. 2008. Distribution and photobiology of Symbiodiniumtypes in different light environments for three color morphs of the coral Madracis pharensis: is there more to it than total irradiance? Coral reefs 27(4): 913-925.

 * Non-Indexed



[28] Poster J FARIA, A Prestes, A Santos. I Moreu, E Cacabelos. G Martins. 2022. Rugulopteryx okamurae: an exceptional case of bioinvasion by a marine macroalga in the Azores (NE Atlantic). FloraMac 2022.  12-16 September. San Sebastián de La Gomera, Spain.

[27] Oral Bernal-Ibánez et al. 2022. A worrying arrival: The first record of Rugulopteryx okamurae in Madeira Island and its invasive risk. FloraMac 2022. 12-16 September. San Sebastián de La Gomera, Spain.

[26] Oral Cacabelos et al. 2022. Anthropogenic impacts on intertidal communities of Macaronesian archipelagos. FloraMac 2022. 12-16 September. San Sebastián de La Gomera, Spain.

[25] Oral Costa A. et al. 2022. Algas Invasoras em Zonas Balneares: Rugulopterix okamurae nos Açores - Apresentação da Proposta de Estudo da UAç, 8a Reunião das águas balneares e na Jornada ABACO Açores 2022. 29 novembro, Horta, Faial.

[24] Poster Santos A. D Jacob, A Larrea, J Jimenez, J FARIA, J Martins, G Martins, A Prestes, J Azevedo, A Neto. 2022. Comparing herbivore consumption rates of native and non-native macroalgae in Azores rockpools. FloraMac 2022.  12-16 September. San Sebastián de La Gomera, Spain.

[23] Poster J FARIA, T Aires, G Martins, A Engelen. 2022. Host-mediated microbiome at a marine shallow-water CO2 seep loca7on in Azores (NE Atlantic). 18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. 14-19 August
Lausanne, Switzerland.

[22] Poster Lorente B, C Cabral, J Frias, J FARIA, D Toubarro. 2021. Looking into marine macroalgae associated bacteria to detect the presence of CAZymes. Microbiotec21 - Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Lisbon, 23th-26th November 2021.

[21] Oral Neto AI, E Cacabelos, J FARIA, I Moreu, ACL Prestes, JMN Azevedo, GM Martins. 2018. Impactos das Alterações Climáticas nas Comunidades Intertidais dos Açores. Ciclo de Palestras sobre as Alterações Climáticas “Impactos das Alterações Climáticas na Sociedade Açoriana”, Salão Nobre da Câmara Municipal de Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Açores, Portugal, 18 de abril.

[20] Poster Prestes A, I Moreu, J FARIA, G Martins, E Cacabelos, AI Neto. 2018. Long-term changes in the structure of macroalgal communities in the Azores. FloraMac 2018, 12-15 September, Madeira, Portugal.

[19] Poster FARIA J, A Pita, GM Martins, PA Ribeiro, SJ Hawkins, P Presa, AI Neto. 2017. What is leading to homozygote excess in the limpet Patella aspera across the Macaronesia archipelagos (NE Atlantic)? Frontiers in E3: cE3c 2017 Annual Meeting, 5-6 June. Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

[18] Poster Moreu I, M Pastor, AI Neto, GM Martins, J FARIA. 2016. Can local assemblages mediate the recruitment of limpets and barnacles? A time-series survey in Azores (NE Atlantic). Island Biology 2016, 18-22 July. Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal.

[17] Poster FARIA F, M Coca, SJ Hawkins, P Ribeiro, AI Neto, GM Martins. 2015. Temporal variation in limpet and barnacle recruitment in Azores (NE Atlantic). Aquatic Biodiversity & Ecosystems: Evolution, Interactions & Global Change. University of Liverpool, 30 August - 4 September. Liverpool, UK.

[16] Poster Cacabelos E, GM Martins, R Thompson, ACL Prestes, J FARIA, JMN Azevedo, AI Neto. 2015. Habitat slope, cause of differences in epibiota at artificial structures?. Aquatic Biodiversity & Ecosystems: Evolution, Interactions & Global Change. University of Liverpool, 30 August - 4 September. Liverpool, UK.

[15] Oral FARIA J. 2015. Dispersal and connectivity of limpets in the Azores (NE Atlantic). Aquatic Biodiversity & Ecosystems: Evolution, Interactions & Global Change. University of Liverpool, 30 August - 4 September. Liverpool, UK.

[14] Oral FARIA J. 2015. Larval development of the limpet Patella candei: the effect of temperature. 3CBIO Training Series, 4 April, Ponta Delgada, Portugal.

[13] Poster FARIA J. 2014. Evidence for inbreeding in an overexploited limpet (Patella aspera) in Azores (NE Atlantic). Seminário 3Bs. 16 June, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

[12] Oral FARIA J. 2014. Connectivity in Azorean limpets: towards a conservation approach. National Oceanography Centre Southampton. 25 March, Southampton, UK.

[11] Oral FARIA J. 2014. PatelGene - Genetic structure of Azorean limpets: Implications for conservation and marine protected areas. Ecology and Conservation of Patellain the Azores Seminar. 7 March, Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal.

[10] Poster FARIA J, P Presa, GM Martins, P Ribeiro, AI Neto. 2014. Genetic population structure and connectivity of Azorean limpets. Ocean Sciences Meeting. 23- 28 February, Honolulu, USA.

[9] Poster FARIA J, P Ribeiro, GM Martins, M Rivas, S Hawkins, P Presa, AI Neto. 2014. Conservation of limpet populations: a heavily exploited resource in Azores, NE-Atlantic. International Temperate Reefs Symposium. 12- 17 January, Perth, Australia.

[8] Poster FARIA J, GM Martins, M Furtado, AI Neto. 2013. Shells of the limpet Patella aspera as habitat for epibionts. World Congress of Malacology. 21- 28 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

[7] Poster Rivas M, J FARIA, P Ribeiro, P Presa, GM Martins, AI Neto. 2013 Development and characterization of microsatellite loci for the harvested limpets Patella candei (D'Orbigny, 1839) and Patella aspera (Roding, 1798) using 454 sequencing. World Congress of Malacology. 21- 28 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

[6] Poster Martins GM, J FARIA, M Furtado, M Enes, AI Neto. 2013. Shell variation in patellid limpets: Scales of spatial variability. World Congress of Malacology. 21- 28 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

[5] Poster FARIA J, M Pérez-Losada, E Froufe. 2013. Low genetic differentiation in three exploited crustaceans from NE Atlantic/ Mediterranean - Conservation and management implications.  The Crustacean Society. Summer Meeting, Costa Rica, San José 7-11 July.

[4] Poster FARIA J, P Ribeiro, AI Neto. 2013. Variabilidade genética, conectividade e resiliência de populações de lapas nas ilhas da Macaronésia (Atlântico-NE). Jornadas “Ciência nos Açores – que futuro?”. 7-8 Junho, Ponta Delgada, Portugal.

[3] Oral Frade P, MC Reyes-Nivia, J FARIA, JA Kaandorp, PC Luttikhuizen, RPM Bak. 2010. The coral genus Madracis: molecular systematics, introgressive hybridization and an evolutionary perspective on coral-symbiont associations. Euro ISRS Symposium 2010: Reefs in a changing environment. Wageningen 12-17 December.

[2] Poster FARIA J, AJS Winkelhagen, F Vermeulen, P Bongaerts, PR Frade, RPM Bak. 2010. Assessing symbiont dynamics and intra-colony variation in Madracis mirabilis. Euro ISRS Symposium 2010: Reefs in a changing environment. Wageningen 12-17 December.

[1] Poster Azevedo JMN, A Prestes, J FARIA. 2010. Mark-recapture quantification essay of the fish fauna of Azores lakes – Drawbacks and ecological implications. XV Congresso da Associação Ibérica de Limnologia. 5-9 July, Ponta Delgada, Portugal.



[10] FARIA J2021 (25 de julho). Rugulopteryx okamurae: a alga «silenciosa» chega aos Açores. “Açoriano Oriental, Açores Magazine, UAciência”, pp. 10-11.

[9] FARIA J, 2021. Alga invasora ameaça habitats costeiros de São Miguel. Açoriano Oriental. 12 de Julho 2021.

[8] FARIA J, D Noguera, A Prestes, I Moreu, E Cacabelos, GM Martins, L Pereira, AI Neto. 2020. A guide for harvesting practices of macroalgae in Azores (NE Atlantic): the project ASPAZOR and the case study of Asparagopsis spp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29603.48167.

[7] FARIA J, D Noguera, A Prestes, I Moreu, E Cacabelos, GM Martins, L Pereira, AI Neto. 2020. Guia de boas práticas para a apanha de algas nos Açores - O projeto ASPAZOR e o caso-estudo de Asparagopsis spp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21298.84165.

[6] Cacabelos E, J FARIA, A Prestes, AI Neto. 2017 (12 de Novembro). Impacte para o ecossistema e benefícios socioeconómicos da alga exótica Asparagopsis armata nos Açores. “Açoriano Oriental, Açores Magazine, UAciência”, pp. 28-29.

[5] FARIA J, NV Alvaro, T Costa, JMN Azevedo, AI Neto. 2016. Guide to Vila Franca do Campo Islet. Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes ABG-cE3c.

[4] Fernandez M, J FARIA, M Cravinho, AI Neto, JMN Azevedo. 2016. Azores cetaceans field guide. Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes ABG-cE3c.

[3] Martins GM, J FARIA. 2014 (16 de Fevereiro). Lapas: pequenas 'ilhas' de diversidade. “Açoriano Oriental, Açores Magazine, UAciência”, pp. 26-27p.

[2] FARIA J, P Ribeiro, AI Neto. 2013. Variabilidade genética, conectividade e resiliência de populações de lapas nas ilhas da Macaronésia (Atlântico-NE). European Researchers' Night.  27 September, Lagoa, Azores, Portugal.

[1] FARIA J. 2012 (25 de Novembro). Conectividade marinha em crustáceos - Implicações para a sua conservação. “Açoriano Oriental, Açores Magazine, UAciência”, pp. 26-27p.



[4] Seminar "Rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta): keys to understand its invasive potential in Europe". Speaker: Prof. Dr. María Altamirano. University of Azores, 20 May 2022.

[3] Seminar/Workshop "Consolidate a surveillance network of emerging marine toxins". University of Azores, 29-30 November 2021.

[2] Workshop “Genetics and management of marine animals”, Universidade dos Açores/ Universidade de Vigo, Ponta Delgada, 5-6 de março.

[1] Seminar: "Ecology and Conservation of Patella in the Azores". 7 March 2014, Ponta Delgada, Portugal.



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